Hurto11 For the love of god yes make it happen. She still looks great too. Some of the older stars def dropped off in looks over the past few years.
ver882 I would like to see Kelsi doing a VR scene and more like cosplaying Juri Han for Street Fighters 6 🤤🤤 She is very flexible like the character I can't think of anyone else who could play her, also she is very active on her social networks
wenworth justsomedude101 Good job! Hopefully her ass gets the full treatment and she takes it in the ass in this one, if not you'll have a reason to book her twice 😉
justsomedude101 Pilky123 Please tell me this isnt cancelled Hasn't been moved to our "cancelled" bucket, but still waiting on confirmation whether it was indeed shot 🤔
justsomedude101 Pilky123 damn, let us know when you have confirmation please The eagle has landed 😉
justsomedude101 Pilky123 when can we expect this release? We've got quite a few scenes ahead of it in the editing/post-production pipeline, so likely not until late January at the soonest 🤞
usignup35 justsomedude101 can we get a day 1 @RealcumberScripts script? Or any other scripter-made script for it. An AI script won't be any good.
justsomedude101 usignup35 Best place to ask this would probably be in the #haptics-requests channel of the SexLikeReal discord, if you haven't checked it out before. Believe most of the scripters are active there.
RealcumberScripts usignup35 - not to fret - I'm already working away on that craft script treatment so you will soon be able to experience Kelsi in real time very soon 🙂