License a couple OnlyFans girls faces and create deepfakes with a royalty-based model (or flat-fee)
This one comes out next week and is quite promising (512 resolution)
This model (128 resolution) has taken the internet by storm and is scary good for just one-shot transfer (single face picture as source, no training required)
Even got integrated into StableDiffusion as an extension:
I have tested roop and it's pretty good! It works for VR as well if the face is straight centered in the FOV.
Since I didn't wanted to limit myself, I also went ahead and coded a custom processor to go over VR frames, detect the face, crop the face in perspective mode from the equirectangular frame, run the faceswap / face upsampler on the cropped perspective and then finally convert the perspective back into equarectangular projection mapping by integrating it into the original L+R frame. Now it works for all shots even if the face is outside the center and face gets warped / distorted