37198 - AI shows it is able to follow the action. Some transitional places it isn't always right. - But...
- Strokes are out of sync and inconsistent. Meaning, some are too soon, some are too late, some are correct.
- Strokes are too large pretty much all through the scene.
- In many places the stroking is happening on the wrong end (lower half instead of upper half and vice versa.)
37174 - Pretty much same as previous so I'll just talk about what's different.
- Stroke synchronization is consistent. Meaning there is no, or very little deviation in the timing of the strokes.
- Resting position / resting depth: I'm well aware this is based off of my prior feedback, to have the stroker at the lower end for safety and being able to keep the penis inside the sleeve. But in some spots, the resting length in time is short enough to have the stroker remain at top, or where the stroking stopped. This is not something I can put in some formula, this is scripter's choice and intuition.
37116 - This is all-round a terrible script.
- The first half, handjob/teasing/licking/blowjob almost qualifies as being for the wrong scene. - The places the AI has it correct, is more a case of the Model happen to be doing what the script does, instead of the other way around. They are the same strokes as when the AI is wrong.
Conclusion: Either you happen to have selected 3 bad ones by chance out of many, or it's not a good AI version.