doublevr That's awesome! Adding a separate alpha file will save a lot of time (not sure how it will work for video downloads though). The quest 2 got a 20% performance boost via an update last month so everything should work smoothly with alpha and dynamic backgrounds.
Just out of curiosity, how does the separate alpha channel file work with the older, chroma-keyed PT scenes (e.g. Katrina reed's PT scene)?
I see 2 possible solutions for this:
- Re-Releasing the scene as a non-chroma keyed video with alpha (i.e. original green screen video without chroma key, but with alpha).
- Re-Releasing the color-corrected, grey version of the original green screen video with alpha (without chroma-keying).
I believe option 1 saves the most time for editors, but option 2 is more consistent with recent scenes and is more convenient for people who don't use PT.
@Sandi_SLR posted an alpha test a while back for Katrina Reed's PT scene, which shows what option 2 might look like.