Yo all. I am writing to make a feature suggestion for your website. Firstly, I would like to express my appreciation for your efforts in catering to the diverse interests and preferences of your users. I respect the fact that SLR is always trying to satisfy everyone's needs and likings.
However, as a user of your site, I generally find Anal in VR or real-life to be quite disgusting. Although I understand that they are not real, VR is all about to tricking the mind into believing that something is real, and this can be quite disturbing. I believe that there are many people who feel the same way.
While I respect the fact that there are individuals who enjoy these kinds of scenes, I get frustrated when I click on a scene of one of my favorite stars only to find out that it contains Anal content. Therefore, I would like to kindly request that you add a feature to hide/show all scenes with the "Anal" tag, just like you did for the "Japanese / JAV" scenes before. This feature is harmless since I have no intention of watching any of these scenes, and it won't affect the website's analytics or statistics.