Wall of text incoming. Hold onto your butts 🍑
Will65 The longer it's been since a scene's release, the more likes/favorites it will have. Passthrough releases were few and far between until 2-3 months ago, so of course looking back at the 6-month trend "non-Passthrough" scenes could and likely would have more average likes (I didn't fact check you on this). Their average age would be older, by up to 2x.
Try doing the same exercise but for, say the last 3 months instead (the timeframe in which Passthrough releases have been a regular thing). The numbers might look quite different.
...also we have the data lol
Will65 I really don't understand why SLR is pushing this so hard unless it is the reduced set cost.
We shoot all sorts of wildly expensive scenes, all the time. A reduced cost might be a natural side effect (and a nice one for sure), but if that were the sole intent there would be much easier ways to save money...I mean, NOT shooting Passthrough and releasing 3 standard scenes per week would make even more sense than 3 standard and 1 Passthrough like we currently tend to do if it were all about the money, no?
rerun119 SLR is the only studio that doesn't have a brand of what I am signing up for. Different directors make wildly different porn.
I don't want to sound like I'm minimizing your complaint, but this is exactly what SLR and SLR Originals has always been: different production teams shooting different styles of content in different ways. If you look way back at the earliest SLRO scenes, this is SUPER evident, though over time things gradually became a bit less so (though each of the teams, including VRFanservice, still shot very different styles imho). I don't anticipate that we will ever try to make all the teams shoot with the same specific style in mind, aside from obviously wanting their individual styles to be the best they can be.
rerun119 As a side note I think SLR should change who shoots the PT scenes and let Simsense shoot regular since he was getting good at it. I sure none of this will happen but I thought I would just let SLR know some people's frustrations.
I hear you, but I'm assuming you want the "no-bullshit" answer so I won't sugar-coat it: Simsensemedia's PT scenes are doing extremely well, so why would we aka SLR (or why would he for that matter) want to change that? It's obviously a rhetorical question, but it's the truth. He has the setup and knowledge on how to do PT content, has released a lot of wildly successful scenes of PT content, enjoys shooting PT, etc. etc. etc. And to be clear I'm not saying he won't still shoot standard content like he's done in the past, just trying to make a general point.
rerun119 If I couldn't see PT at all that really would help with all the negative feeling.
We don't plan to separate out the studios again like we tested before, but I can raise the question of a Passthrough toggle of some sort. I think the chance is slim tbh, but can still ask.