metichemsi Finally had some time to watch these. I watched them in both DeoVR and HereSphere. For others trying this out: I had to rename the fisheye file to "fisheye180 3dh" or else DeoVR wouldn't play it as VR, I hate how it doesn't always show the 2 buttons to choose what VR type it should project in...
For the fisheye one I also had to 'swap eyes' (screenshot shows left eye is on the right, you can see the right-eye lens)) and change horizontal offset a lot to make it look correctly, but aside from that I do think the fisheye one is better in scale. Or at least it is noticeably smaller scale than the equirectangular file has. It's not a big change to me though and with both files the room still looks larger than it should realistically be. But YES, the scaling is slightly better.
Within HereSphere I tried changing the lens setting to 180 and 190 as well and that's a similar small difference in scale I think.
I also fiddled with the manual IPD setting in HS which surprisingly was a way bigger change for me to get things to look right if I set it to 8 or 8.5. This may be more because my IPD is about 7.4 but my old Oculus headset can't go that high with its manual IPD slider so I think using that setting in HS kinda offsets and fixes that problem. Looks like I'm going to switch over to HS permanently lol. But I think this is unrelated to the scaling in the files and even with this IPD settings change I can see the room scale is still way bigger than it should be realistically (in all the files, both SLR's and your samples).