Hi, I was just thinking that it would be nice to have subtitles added for videos. There are lots of JAV videos that look interesting but they're all in Japanese so it's hard to follow. Having the dirty talk and plot would make it hot!
One tool that could automate this is OpenAI's Whisper. It's like it was designed for translating porn, haha. It can translate to different languages and output vtt/srt for subtitles.
I actually got rolling on doing this for some old videos that I had on my computer. They were in German and I always wondered what they were about. The content was good but they became 1000x better when the subtitles were added in.
The translated results were okay. Sometimes they would do little German language goofs like "tail" vs "cock" or "puddle" vs "pussy". The models probably weren't trained on porn videos. It might be worth tweaking it with reinforcement learning or something to get better results.
Optimizing aside, it seems like this could be low hanging fruit so excited to see what you all think!