Imagine going to a club where everybody is STUNNING. Every single one of them. With the hide feature, you get to be the bouncer. Choose exactly who gets let into your club, according to YOUR own tastes. No 5's, 6's, 7's or even 8's. Only 10's!
Don't find a model attractive? Block them and never see their face again. Get constantly frustrated by a studio? Hide them. Not turned on by pee? Block the tag.
Before videos could be hidden, I found it so cumbersome having to go through so many unwanted videos to find the few videos I enjoyed. Now, only a few videos per day make it through my filters, and most are at least decent. I then spend a few minutes going through these videos, and hide any that aren't good enough for me to want to watch again.
The result? Only the best videos and pornstars remain. As you're constantly building up your filters, you'll also get shown less and less unwanted videos.