I'm sure you do, and I'd hate to think that my message suggests otherwise.
The ExploitedX Scandal, which circulated on Reddit and now remains a key topic of conversation on many boards, had nothing to do with the consent for creating porn but the sloppy practices of those who make porn. Without going into the details you will see that certain companies, for a period of upwards of ten years, included some very unfortunate metadata in the EXIF of their videos. This is a problem for all companies that allow for videos to be downloaded directly. To the extent that I've checked, SLR remains perfect, although you should tell your studios about EXIF for reasons of due diligence.
Without going into full details, take any of the videos from BackroomCastingCouch, ExploitedCollegeGirls, or BlackAmbush and drag the video (downloaded from their site legally before Feb. 2021) and open it with the software from EXIFtool.org. These companies, it has been alleged, were encouraging fan-made mashups for a reason (to encourage re-subscription for access to the exclusive metadata). Google linked the data, as someone of Reddit alleged, to visual biometric data, thus opening a loophole to subpoena Google's algorithm.