Man, this one of my top ten faves
#s going down
That was as good as I could get it
But the way the video starts is perfect for sum pt imo
My I deal intro. 🛌 💃💃💃
Guy laying in bed and in front of him come in three hotties, they talk to you, do Lil strip tease, crawl on the bed up to your cock, laying cg rcg was looking hot.
But, due to I guess the mood light, I'm guessing that's why pt was difficult to find, if that wall behind them when they walk in was a plain white wall the pt would of been better, I mean if the whole room walls were plain with no pics that be perfect, but the wall in front of me would have been just as fine cause I'm mainly looking forward at them.
Anyway, that's my Lil detailed review on sum pt.