I know some people are already talking about passthrough on the SLR app update thread, but it feels like this should be a separate thread. Please list the best videos you've found that work well with Passthrough (and any possible settings).

As noted by someone else, this one works great...
I just bump down the opacity to 90-95.

I haven't found any others that work well yet. But maybe it's because I was too caught up with the Haley Spades scene. It was a totally different experience with passthrough.

    djham if you also move the color to the left a Lil you can get rid of that purple sheet, but you cant rid of the orange light balls, which I'm fine with tho, adds a cool effect like they hanging in my room.

    But yeah the passthrough works pertty good on that scene. 👍

    Edit: oh, wait wrong scene, I thought u were talking about this scene

    Ima try that scene you linked tho. 👍

      Here's something interesting

      This scene here

      If u just put the color range on 2 and turn the saturation on it works pertty good.

      Didn't even need to use the opacity.

      Check it on the cg part. Her body was pertty solid with no see through.

      I found some other videos that worked like this.
      So if opacity don't work on a video try that method too. Color Range on 2, turn the saturation on and adjust the color range as needed.

      mnmlikereal djham I agree the Haley Spade seems to be the best one yet.

      What about cindy shine? just try the last video which slr just released the script

      any of the naughtyamericavr super sluts vids,
      yhh this feature adds another level of immersion, makes me want the quest pro

      Anyone know how to get the yellow away from
      Haley spades face? It’s all up in her nose and eyes. Distracting.

        looking forward to green screen shot vids 🙂 also prob worth trying having the male actor wear a green screen suit or maybe without male actor, making it so basically its just you and the girl


          Rakly3 It doesn't work with a black background.

          It does not work with anything that is in the actual image you wanna keep.
          Even greenscreens will be very bad if the model wears a green bikini.

          But yeah, near black is basically inevitable to be somewhere on the model, hard to imagine making it work with black.

            ibins But there is 0 passthrough. I'm talking about it doesn't matter what you set it to with an black #000000
            background, there's no passthrough, only more black.

            The video that explains how to do passthrough, has no passthrough. 🤯

              Arent all the WhorecraftVR and EvilEyeVR videos shot on a greenscreen set? Theyre also all on SLR. Would be nice if they could just re-release those videos with the greenscreen still visible until new videos are finished.

              Rakly3 u sure? it worked for me, try turning off and on your pass through in the options, cuz a few times i had to do that on sum videos, i think it's a glitch or sumn...

              But that noir video worked, Still Lil shadowy tho, but I was able to zoom her out and place her looking like she was sitting on my floor while she was talking and looking at me...was pertty cool. 👍