Sandi_SLR TataYoyo There was an issue with having videos in the playlist that were removed from our site, we deployed a fix, so now it should work. If you find anything else, let us know.
TataYoyo Sandi_SLR Thank you so much ! Vous êtes une équipe formidable, pas une seconde je n'ai regretté mon abonnement ! :-)
bamjus @Sandi_SLR not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but the shuffle function doesnt seem to work with the "watch later" playlist. It works in my "favorites" playlist, but for some reason the shuffle button seems to kick the playback out of the "watch later" playlist
bamjus bamjus @Sandi_SLR not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but the shuffle function doesnt seem to work with the "watch later" playlist. It works in my "favorites" playlist, but for some reason the shuffle button seems to kick the playback out of the "watch later" playlist just bumping this issue
Sandi_SLR bamjus Hey, could you explain what exactly happens, you are playing the video from the watch later playlist and then what? A recording would be perfect if you can make it, I tried recreating it here, but no success.
bamjus Sandi_SLR sorry, i just went to test it myself again and it works completely fine haha. my fault, not sure if i was just doing something odd before or if the problem got fixed somehow. all good, thanks so much!!