Unless there's some way I have overlooked, there doesn't seem to be a way to reorder user-created playlists? That would be incredibly useful, if added.
Drag-drop option would be great like many popular modern smart-phone apps and websites; but, if that's too tough to quickly or easily code, then perhaps something else simpler. Just any way to reorder is preferred. Sometimes if a user adds sequential numbers (1,2.3) or letters (A,B,C) in front of a title, websites, programs, or operating systems will usually automatically "sort" alphabetically etc. but it doesn't seem like any of my playlists can be reordered in any way.
Sort option like "new, old, or popularity" is not what I'm describing, as was mentioned in another post.
I am describing reordering of title names. Example of playlist order:

I see and like the idea of making user-created playlists "Public" but I don't see how to actually search and engage with other user's playlists that they've made public. I tried the search and the search has a lot of great types of search results but it's not obvious to see user-created ones? Easily finding or browsing public user lists seems helpful for community engagement.
Please let me know if I have overlooked any existing functionality that does these things.