sheldoncooper Does the function 'zoom out the video' in deovr have the same effect with touching screen with double finger to enlarge picture on the phone?
Similar effect? Yes.
But keep in mind- when you're zooming in on a picture on your phone, the picture itself is already many times as large as the size of your phone screen: you can zoom in quite a bit and still be looking at a sharp, clear image.
But this isn't the case for VR scenes- the image you're seeing through the headset lenses is already (much of the time) maxed out or not too far from it, so any additional zooming in will likely degrade the quality a bit. This + the way most VR scenes are shot and headsets display images means that zooming in/out can also cause more noticeable distortions around the outside edges of a scene.
That being said, with the SLR app I usually find that I can zoom in to .9 or sometimes .8 before I start to notice a visible drop in clarity.