Not really looking for help with SLR-only download speeds of 2Mbs, but eagerly asking for SLR to partially regress and allow users to continue to use our 20Mbs+ workarounds with download managers.
How is anybody using any download manager if links are disabled? Up until now there were 2 ways to access them: one is from copying the link from html page source, and the second is from clicking download button, pausing it in browser, copying link, then pasting it in JDownloader. Now I can't do neither. Either the copy command is never executed, or I only see "js-c-download-limit" where the link used to appear.
It's not a big issue now because I can still stream up to 4k h.264 with minimal buffering issues. The bigger issue is that while SLR is encouraging people to upgrade their headsets, many users relying on downloading or streaming at their low-quality max will be stuck where they are and not be able to upgrade. Not only can we not stream higher quality videos without buffering issues, but we also now cannot in timely manner download higher quality videos without link access. And here I was just getting excited about those 5k micro-LED VR-glasses releasing this year.
Since the fair use policy is in place, would it be possible to at least enable us to copy the download link after we pause it in our browser? When we click the download link, the video is deducted from our video limit, so I think it would be fair for us to use our normal download manager alternative because we are within limits, and we are apparently in the minority; it shouldn't be that much of an impact compared to before where no policy was in place.