How many “unlisted” videos like these are there?
A couple thousand or so.
Mind that we allow studios to put these videos up on our site to sell. We don't decide to sell them. I think that's an important nuance. There would also be LESS subscription videos if we would not allow it.
There are over 17.500 videos available in the subscription membership and about 10 more are added each day! Once we re-add removed videos due to compliance issues we'll be back over 18.000. I'm sure we'll be over 20.000 before the year is over.
Why isn’t this video available to download?
They are. With some exceptions.
Why isn’t it listed under Sharon Lee’s videos?
We received a lot of complaints from subscribers about there being videos for sale, so we 'hide' them. They can still be found through search engines.
Trying to download takes me to a cart. Why?
Because it's PPV only (Pay Per Video, not confuse with pay-per-view). Purchased videos will be accessible to you even without a subscription!