I checked it out today in the headset. Watched through the first 20 mins straight, then skipped around throughout the rest (I've seen the original countless times, I know the scene by heart!).
I think this edited down version was done pretty tastefully. Good clean / cross fade edits that don't feel too abrupt. It gets to the point and to the "meat" of all that central actions. It's a good supplemental video to have for people that want a quick fix.
However, by no means do I prefer this over the original cut. The original cut has all the transitions, the teasing, the build-up, and all the subtle things that really give so much incredible replay value to the scene. Every time I watch it, as much as I know it by heart, I may notice one new thing each time, and it's why I love these harem scenes. So much to take in and absorb, there's no way to do it in one view session. It's the gift that keeps on giving =)
Note: There are a few segments without audio. Some of the Alexia Ander clips, as well as Apryl Rein clips. There are likely more too. Will need a fix.