Adding my two cents regarding respect. @LordCrash your 1st reply was pretty respectful and straight-forward to me, but the 1st paragraph of your 2nd reply was imho unnecessary and did nothing but heat the situation in a more personal way (that's how I would feel if I received that reply). He may not have been insulted by name, but the words coming from @diwanga were initially fueling, inconsiderate, and demanding. Words are powerful and can affect people in major ways, both positively and negatively. In this instance, we can see it was the latter. @spacepirate adding to the fire in the same tone didn't help. I believe @doublevr's reply was appropriate, especially by presenting an example of a better way of communicating issues. People need to know.
Generally speaking, I normally wouldn't respond; but on the contrary @doublevr has earned more of my respect from this exchange. It's one thing that he sees the writing on the wall and is doing what he can to start a movement in a more compliant and positive way. It's another complimentary thing that he wants to raise the standards in our interactions on SLR's forum so that we can continue to have one, especially with continued communication from a guy at the top of the chain. I wouldn't want to be talked to any kind of way either, as would any of us if we're aiming for a brighter future. Sometimes people get complacent, take progress for granted, just don't know, or haven't been taught certain things, so every so often we have to change the flow of things in a better direction.
To all affected, the technical concerns and the points being made are legit (I'm a web browser myself), but admin previously mentioned that the option to hide particular niches is coming. Unless we ruined our chance for further consideration, it looks like we may have to wait and be flexible in the meantime.