Hi guys, H2Omelon here. I have been scripting for about 3 years now for personal use, I have a ton of experience with VR and have been on the OSR platform since the early days when tempest first released it. So I know how the device is built, its limitations, and what works and does not for scripting. I also am an OG member from RealTouchScripts, (undr a different alias when it was still around) and have learned from, and am familiar with Realcumber's work for years now. So Hi! RealcumberScripts !
I was reached out by Kieshi about scripting for SLR over on Eroscripts. Does anybody know if I can join the scripters program and receive payment since I am in the US. I saw that there were talks on making the payment easier now via PayPal. So would I still need a VAT or can I use my US tax ID?