While watching a video, I noticed that "h265 120 fps" was available in the codec/framerate dropdown menu, so I wanted to see what that looks like. But my pc could not handle it and SLR crashed. Maybe my pc is too slow, but that is not relevant to this thread.
The reason for this thread is what happened after the crash: I can still start SLR, and I can still watch all the content, except for the video where it crashed. I suspect SLR remembers the last used codec/framerate profile per video, and it will try to use h265 120 fps everytime I want to play that specific video again. I can not bring up the menu and quickly select a different profile, because it crashes almost instantly.
So I have a feature request: if SLR crashes while watching a video (= if a video is not stopped using the back button or so), then revert that video back to the default (or lowest) codec/framerate setting.
Meanwhile, as a workaround, I will uninstall and reinstall SLR and hope that will fix it.