Disclaimer: This is not an official Sexlikereal contest!
The contest is an off the cuff thingy we threw together.
🔥‼️Guess which SLR Originals script will be released next‼️🔥
The SLR staff has some extra Steam game-keys and would like to give them away to our loyal customers! (Don't worry, we won't do a background check to see if you truly are loyal. It's open to any one!). There is one caveat to prevent multiple entries by the same user. Your Forum and SLR account must be created before this post!
The game we are giving away is one of my favourites. View it on Steam
Contest rules!
- The script must be for an SLR Original scene! Not any other studio!
- Your Forum and SLR account must be older than this post!
- No multiple entries by the same user!
- Scripters and SLR staff can not partake in the contest!
- If the same scene is chosen by more than one user, the first entry wins.
- In the event of no winner, we'll think of a new contest.
- Rules are subject to change to preserve fair play or legal issues!
- Your answer must be submitted prior to the script release.
Estimated release: Saturday 2021-10-30 / Sunday 2021-10-31 Depending on your timezone.
Scenes already taken: