Philip Just want to offer a few thoughts on the new video player. Two steps forward, 1 step back, I think.
* Using VIVE, Win 10 64bit, i5-4690 and MSI GTX-970
--- Like the new player settings interface and the ability to reposition it, and easily open and close the fine-tuning control windows.
---My #1 comment: With two Vive controllers you have easily 14+ buttons available, nearly all of which are completely ignored by the current player. Previous versions had nice functionality of the controllers, with play/pause, mute/unmute, and forward back mapped to the controller. Current version has frustratingly done away with most of that, instead of adding more! Using nothing but the Vive controllers and NO menu, I should be able to play/pause, mute/unmute, adjust volume, adjust tilt, height, zoom, horizontal and vertical offset. That's basic. Don't make me bring up the settings and transport menu unless I have to. And I shouldn't have to.
---Bring back head tracking!
---Dislike how difficult it is using the pointer to fine-tune some of the settings, like sharpness or saturation. If I only want a setting of +1.0, it's mighty hard to do; settings higher than that often just look bad. Let us fine-tune.
---when using horizontal or vertical offset sliders (and others), in previous versions the pointer would lock onto the control point so it was actually pretty easy to move the slider where you wanted it. In the current version the pointer no longer locks, and when the pointer "slips off" the slider, the setting jumps around a lot. It's more difficult to use now. (Of course, I shouldn't have to use the menu to do this at all - offset should be mapped to a controller button.)
---Love the new AB repeat. How about make the video preview match where the A/B sliders are, so there's less guessing at where you're setting the loop?
--- Like that the player is more robust now and no longer simply locks up when it encounters a local file that it can't play.
---In the main window, for chrissake add a QUIT button. You think we want the extra step of taking off the headset to find the mouse and swipe around the screen to quit the window when somebody's coming? NO, we don't. Put in a QUIT button, please.
Thanks for your time. SLR is slowly getting better!