- it would be great to have an option to filter for videos where i have purchased the script (that is possible on the website but not on the app, for some reason Premium videos with free scripts don't show up in this list btw)
Adding my scripts to the app.
- i'd love to be able to adjust the speed of the video while using the script
great question for @RealcumberScripts team
- i have a bunch of scripts that i got from other places
it seems like playlist would perfectly work for that. have you tried it?
- maybe there should be a "request funscript for this scene" button
sounds like a good idea. let me think where to put it.
- the 6DOF function used to be really awesome until it was limited to 0.4 intensity
it seemed that over 0.4 was really distorting everything and wasn't natural. will check if we can have a way to customise it on top of that.
sharpening is coming to Quest with the next update.
- would be nice to be able to curve 2D Video
we plan to invest a lot in supporting flat videos. stay tuned
- and i've never seen that before, but maybe it's possible to make 2D playback smoother, like modern TV sets have True Motion, or Motion Plus
we plan to interpolate all flat videos we will release on SLR to 60FPS. that should definitely improve smoothness