Need motivation to get on that treadmill?

Also take a look at that!

HOTTIES! 🥵 lol
So much more can be done in vrporn.
I'll say it again, I call it "The PornaVRse🌌
It can be so much more then just sex, bring us some reality into this virtual place.
I'm haf again lol 😆
Man I saw sum hotties having fun on walk rope at a park, I saw a gymnastic/yoga session with hotties on a beach ⛱️
I wanna go to a beach and the park with sum hottie pornstars watch them have fun. Go on a walk with them, bike rides!
Boat ride anyone? Full of hotties on this boat ride? Humm a limo ride, party bus. SOMETHING! Lol 😆
Also I just got the quest 3 and I saw sum 8k videos that look crisp on the q3 👍
Anyways just "passing through" 😉