justsomedude101 I take it you have not seen the site fullyclothedsex.com? Check that site out. There isn't a VR of version of Fullyclothedsex.com so it is a fresh market. CFNM is a general term and cosplay falls into that graph. Domestic clothing CFNM is fullyclothedsex.com - where women don't dress like parodies of cosplay.
Domestic clothing CFNM and Cosplay CFNM are different. CFNM stands for Clothed female naked male which isn't a theme clarification.
Tell me if you find usa version of fullyclothedsex.com vr or not - excluding furry mascot porn. Fullyclotheddex.com have fully clothed no cosplay women start to end of scene, no stripping on the woman part.
Anyhue czechs kick a** in 'Domestic Clothing CFNM' which isn't 'Cosplay CFNM' fyi. I myself would like to see america try steal ideas from Czechs and Japan. So cosplay from japan has been stolen which is great for usa porn.