crazyfists How does this work exactly? Do you pay for 1 month get another free? Do you need to select a specific plan?
Rakly3 crazyfists First 30 days are free. You will likely see a $1 payment request, which is also canceled/returned. (Should normally not even result in an actual transfer.) This is for age verification purposes.
crazyfists I see thank you. You do have to select the recurring monthly plan but you can cancel before billed for the second month obviously.
Rakly3 vittoriofantini No If you currently have a non-premium account you can go to the join page and put in the code manually or follow the promo link while logged in. You don't have access to downloads however, only streaming.
PrawnStar Rakly3 Out of interest, do all coupons on SLR not include downloads? Is there a way to know? Saw an offer and was about to signup but would like downloads.