Redhulk50 No, I'm pretty confident that Facebook wouldn't intentionally share the data they collect on that stuff with your friends and family without asking you. That would be an obviously terrible PR move.
As far as the worst that can happen, the direct threat would be an "accidental" leak of data, whether by Facebook directly or (more likely) thanks to some ad / app partner. That sort of thing has happened with Facebook loads of times, to different extents.
But their whole model is to build as detailed a profile on you as they can, to manipulate you as effectively as possible. That might not be seen as very morally bad in the USA at the moment (you're right to say that Google has a similar business model, which has the same issues), but arguably it should be, so given a choice of what VR ecosystem to support I think it's reasonable to prefer alternatives.
Which is all to say, lots of us hate this stuff, particularly for something we want to use for something as personal as porn, but Facebook is very unlikely to (intentionally) directly share your porn habits with your children.
I just watched the John Carmack video linked above, it was interesting to hear that the Quest 2 will still be slightly heavier than the Go. I'm sure the improved weight distribution and strap help mitigate that, but the Go is already quite a noticeable weight - it'll be really good when technology gets to a point that headsets can be smaller and lighter.