So after watching several videos on my oculus quest from a wide arrange of studios i noticed something. Alot of the videos dont look that realistic. A majority of the videos from various studios either have the models blown up to the point where it ruins immersion, or its grainy and you cant fully utilize the VR to its fullest potential.
There are some studios that are an exception though. Those would be a majority of the japanese studios on the newer produced videos (when i mean newer i mean like newly produced not necessarily newly added on SLR) and also newer videos from virtualreal porn as well as the czechvr videos.
These studios get the model size correct, the picture quality great and lighting near perfect. A few SLR originals also do this but on newer vids like the one shot in dimly lit areas it looks very grainy almost like recording a video at night on an android phone. Ir the romy indy video where her torso seemed pretty elongated. But ines that were kinda good were the sky blu one and the kenzie reeves one.
I think lighting might be key to making VR ultra realistic. With VR latina when the lighting istoo bright it dilutes the video and makes it look weird. Also editing or the camera you shoot on, because those elongated models dont seem very realistic and takes me out of the immersion.
Im not a video producer or anything just a regular average joe. There could also be other variables that gave me this experience. But i wanted to kinda just throw that out there incase the SLR team wants to take it into consideration. Maybe you guys could be pioneering the VR porn industry, i wont really criticize you much since you guys are new to this. But as a VR porn collector myself (and former film editing student) i feel its some good advice.