Hi, I just bought a Pico G2 4K.
I tried to install the Daydream APK, but on first startup it shows the message that Google VR services are missing. The app then starts up normally (and oh boy is the picture sharp, much better than on my Lenovo Explorer on PC), but I can't select anything and something feels off, as if I'm going crosseyed. I assume none of the current builds of the SLR app are compatible with Pico devices? If so, could you do a build using the Pico Unity SDK (https://developer.pico-interactive.com/sdk)? I know I'm asking much since I'm probably one of very few customers owning a Pico device and I will keep my subscription even if solely for the PC app, so there's no bussiness reason for doing a Pico build. But I'll be very grateful if it could be done nonetheless. I am more than willing to contribute some money to this cause, if that helps 🙂