sex33 You're a huge part of the PT revolution
Thanks bro, we all represented!
PTGang 🤜🤛🥂
Lol, members got sick of me on other forums when I be talking about new pt porn, lol
I was met with arrows like, keep that pt trash on slr or get a life, get a real girlfriend, bet this guy never had a real girl in his room, they were really anti pt, lol some of them still mad too. And some of them PT-lievers now, they see the vision! Literally, Lol
irl, when I explain it to a friend, their eyes get big bro 👀's crazy.
I'm glad I could help the pt movement, as a long time porn watcher, as a fan I'm glad i got to be apart of it in some kinda way!
We all represented, PTGang!🤜🤛🥂🎉