I was thinking that too. Whats it called, Gaussian Splatting or something? Yeah its amazing tech every time. I just watched the gracia, that girl dancing on my kitchen floor lol. Its pretty cool, too bad shes so low rez. But in time Im sure that will be worked out.
So thats splatting in motion, if you want to see a free demo of some super high rez stuff stillframe, dude get on the meta store its a free demo with like 6 or 8 different scentes. Its called "meta horizon hyperscape." Its stillframe scenes but the quality insanely good.. its real. You are like in a painting studio legit. Im sure if you havent seen it you will be impressed, I love this area of VR/AR this is what I am most excited about. But in particular, this type of quality in motion would be killer, like you are referring to. In adult video, I totally agree, the future. If you know any more free demo gaussal splat content like hyperscape or gracia lmk on here I check back in now and then.
SLR, all the stuff AI can do and will do we arent even thinking of right at the moment, passthrough, and this Gaussian Splatting.... combine it and thats the future if they get on it. Whole new level. Im sure it will happen in time if we keep reminding them, cause Im sure that all is hella work and a whole new way of making videos. In time AI may make it less tedious and time consuming