Silly-Sausage Me too ! - Keeps on logging me out and then nothing loads with a 503 error. And doesn't give me a code to log back in - then out of the blue it works again. Quest 3 on v71 and latest version of DeoVR
Repaelleinad doublevr and I've been trying to get coins for the last 30mins and it's stuck on a payment screen
doublevr Keep posting if you see the issue. It’s not immediately clear on our end. Looking for more details.
Virdiron Same here. Problems during this week, but today is imposible to use. Every time server recovers, need to log on again. Last versión of app with pico 4
Polar Please keep reporting anything you have. Information about your device, and app version is extremely helpful. We're trying to figure it out.
Silly-Sausage Polar Well i just tried on my q3 headset after having issues about 30 mins ago and it logged in straight away with no issues 🙂 But probably needs more confirmation
Repaelleinad I'm on quest 3 will have to check version, I've only seen the 503 in headset using deo vr, but the payment thing has just happened on the website using my phone
Polar Repaelleinad Thanks. Is your SLR username the same as your forum username? If not can you ping a quick ticket over here so I can check your account. Just put "Polar asked me to send this" or something as the ticket content.