Hello everyone,
as per the title, I would like to try to understand if there are solutions to better manage CGI contents to get them out of the sandbox and insert them in the Main Feed.
We are a small Italian production studio, and to produce a 10 minute video, it takes us about a month.
This is because we try to create content that is of high quality.
Obviously it's not a given that we succeed, but the fact is that at the moment we are in the top 30 among the production studios on VRPorn and our "actress" Akiko is around 110th place.
Which is quite remarkable considering that she is a virtual actress.
Unfortunately here on SRL we have been relegated to the Sandbox and this does not give us the visibility necessary to be able to earn enough money on SRL too.
From our point of view we obviously think that it is essential to be visible on Main Feed.
From another point of view, however, I also understand that we shouldn't flood the main feed with too much low-quality CGI content.
I think that a good system is to require that the videos be at least 6/10 minutes long in order to be in the main feed and that if a video doesn't reaches a certain amount of views (for example 1000 premium views in 2 days), then the video is moved to the Sandbox.
If 3 videos always have the same result of minimum views, then switch the Production Studio permanently to the Main Feed.
I talk about this problem because currently there are only 2 sites where we can publish content in VR and only with one of the two do we have difficulty covering all the expenses.
So I wonder if, with a view to ensuring that it is an SRL, it maintains a high standard of quality, and that the most deserving CGI studios have the right visibility on the Main feed, we can find an adequate algorithm to solve this problem.
This is just an idea to set up a possible algorithm.
I say this because a few days ago one of our videos was put in the Main Feed and the results were very good... never seen before.
The ratio is almost 5 to 1 than before.
And they make all the difference in the world to us.