Achunden I am very curiuos to know if there are any pornstars on the site that looks like any famous person. For instance, I think Melissa Stratton has similar physical features like Megan Fox (also Jazmin Luv reminds me of her). Let me know if there are more lookalikes on the SLR platform.
RobotChicken There’s a pornstar named Natalie Porkman, not sure if she’s still active but she looks somewhat similar to Natalie Portman and I’m pretty sure her name is for that reason
vrpicasso Obvious examples: Sara Ryder & Emmy Rossum (from TV show Shameless) Lana Smalls and Dakota Johnson Both have been cast in cosplay scenes because of this.
ZENRA Suzu Honjo I've always thought as the daughter Koyuki never had. And even earlier the resemblance is closer (look up images of Koyuki in The Last Samurai from 20 years ago).
Metamucil Alina Lopez always gave me Megan Fox vibes or at least she scratched the same itch Chloe Rose - Reece Witherspoon (prime) The newer vid of Francesca Nappi gave me young Scarlett Johansen vibes. It has gotten to the point where the Pornstars are hotter than the celebrities.
HughMungus The girl in this scene looks like Alina Haba to me, dunno if you would count her as a celebrity though