Girgak I love the cams functionality in the app. It's a superb use of VR. However, I did spot a swastika on one of the girls (ImRoxy). Screenshot available. Where is the camgirl studio based, and are you expecting to expand the selection?
doublevr Please share that screenshot. We expect to release greatly improved cam UI soon. Also we plan getting some US performers online in coming weeks.
l7DZn795MhkI Well I'll be damned, he's right and I had not noticed before. Shame too, she's a pretty girl. Screenshot at:
Girgak Good to hear some US models are on the way. Here's the screenshot:
doublevr The girl told she has regrets to have a tattoo and she does not approve any such ideas. She is due to remove it anytime soon. Sorry about that. Not sure what's the best way to proceed.
l7DZn795MhkI doublevr It is good that she expressed regret, and to me personally, I see no direct reason to remove her as a streamer over this, as long as she is indeed getting it removed in time lol. I think she's one of the prettier streamers you have on here, so it would be a shame to lose her. Though that is personal preference of course 😃
Girgak doublevr Thanks for following it up, I appreciate it. I don't think it reflects poorly on SLR but it's not a good look for her studio. Fair play if she regrets it but you'd think she would cover it up. Nazi tattoos are a massive turn-off. keylox23 I guess it could be a religious thing but I reckon that's highly unlikely for some parts of Europe.
keylox23 I am a Hindu and not taking any sides here but she has it tattooed in the traditional Hindu way. If it was tilted or rotated 45 degrees then it would be considered a Nazi symbol. Once again not taking sides or defending anyone, I'm just saying.
Maxx69 For me it does not look like she really regrets the Swastika tattoo. She still shows it and it would be so damn easy to cover it. I think SLR has to react on this imm ediately and strict!!!
l7DZn795MhkI SarahS69 Look at when the thread was made. she's had the same tattoo since at least May, likely longer. Doesnt sound very temporary 😛
SarahS69 l7DZn795MhkI yeah, my bad. I just saw an interesting topic and didn't really realize it is quite out of date
z_omega Also she already said she planned to remove it, since she regrets it. So it does seem to be neither religious nor temporary nor really something she takes care off... Not really many ways open to defend it...