Would it be possible to display the literal date the scene was posted? I can see how the approximate "2 weeks ago" or "1 month ago" is useful, but maybe have the literal date in a tooltip when you hover over the "ago" part.
The issue I'm trying to mitigate is the vagueness of the "ago" statement. See below as an example where you have two "1 year ago" scenes that are separated by 6 months. Then there's only one day between the Innocent Harem releases, yet one is marked "1 year ago" while the other is "2 years ago". And how is "2023-02-14" equal to "2 years ago"?
<time datetime="2023-08-14" data-qa="page-scene-studio-date">1 year ago</time>
<time datetime="2023-02-15" data-qa="page-scene-studio-date">1 year ago</time>
<time datetime="2023-02-14" data-qa="page-scene-studio-date">2 years ago</time>