CH4037 Kieshi This issue occurs when watching streaming videos with passthrough enabled, and the frame rate seems to drop from 60 FPS to around 50 FPS.
SchnuppiLilac Kieshi For me it is like this on Q3 when the refresh rate is set to 120 Hz: With AI PT off the fps counter fluctuates between 110 and 120 Turning AI PT on makes the fps drop and the counter will fluctuate between 50 and 60 Changing additively contrast, hue or brightness has no impact Changing the sharpening setting in either direction causes another drop to around 40
Kieshi hey guys, I have checked and this behaviour is actually normal that FPS drops by 10-15%, as long as it doesn't stutter. Also, it could be floating up and down a bit (raise and then drop a bit, this is also ok)