Jeef There are positions where it works amazingly. The dude just needs to be still and hands off. Cowgirl, Reverse Cowgirl, and Missionary all work well for the most part. Reverse Cowgirl doesn't even have to line up well because her ass covers it. Actresses that swirl about (Barbie Rous) don't work as well. Also, the dude needs to be hands off or else his invisible hands come into the picture.
Last night I learned that with male deleted PT AI blowjobs you can reach around the girls head like you are guiding her. It was pretty wild. I'll have to try it with Reverse CG to see if it works. The woman's body blocks your body so only certain positions work.
Added: With the amount of complaints I read on lining things up I think a lot of you need to work on your controller set up. I don't even have batteries in my right hand Q3 controller, I do it all with my left. I have it so I can zoom in and/out, with the joystick, and when I hold trigger I I can move the entire picture around. I rarely ever have to open up the picture settings and lining up is a breeze.