Achunden Hi! Does anybody know the command to convert fisheye 190° to 200° using ffmpeg? Thanks in advance!
Manny_S Achunden try chatgpt maybe this is what it gave me: ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vf "v360=e:e:yaw=0:pitch=0:roll=0:hor_angle_in=190:hor_angle_out=200" -c:a copy output_video.mp4 not sure if works though...
Achunden Hairsational I know you have to use v360, but I do not know the exact command to convert fisheye 190° to fisheye 200° or the other way around. I have tried many different commands without any good results. Do you know the code?
Achunden Manny_S Thanks Manny! I will try it out later. What do you do when you make compilations with different degrees, for instance fisheye 190 and 200? Do you convert them or not? (Keep up the good work btw!)