Bucket619 This Great fairy is the version from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (if anyone recalls her screams and yells/laughing? 🥲) who we encountered alone in a hidden cave and where she treated our wounds and gifted us things of magic for our quest. Only this time this particular fairy had a price that required a sacrifice from our end, she would gift us with power and heal our wounds but at the cost of sucking and fucking us dry to the point our lifespan would be cut in half , but why? all the others didnt ask for such a price, but this Fairy seemed to have a hold on us of some sort , like as if we didnt want to leave her and eager to accept her price no matter what… anything after this is whatever we want to choose( that is if we even had a choice to leave once we locked eyes with this gorgeous “Great” fairy….🫨🤤) The actress that inspired me to make a post is. one other than Lily Lou and her new appearance 🤤😍
Bucket619 for any of those that love Lily’s current look, do you think she would be a great fit considering how wild the fairy comes off as being a bit of a sex crazed being 🤪 and how Lily was in her “Busted” scene?
Jeef Ok I can definately see this one with Lily Lou. Great idea! Maybe reach out to some of the cosplay studios if you haven’t already?
Bucket619 Jeef im thinking i might, these are gold for them , thing is some of them have their forums locked only to members. so im curious if i should go to VrCosplayX or VrConk? I feel like Alex Nash would be able to make an amazing scene out of these scenarios 😢
rerun119 Bucket619 I am surprised you are not a member of any of the VR cosplay sites. They seem like that is exactly what you are looking for. Maybe not succubus every time but always fantasy style. Like Legend of Zelda. I bet they already have one.
Bucket619 rerun119 @Jeef i just relogged into my vrcosplayx ,gona try again lol. i think i try it here more due to how much more active the forum is and the cosplay scenes SLR has made with Crystal Chase and Violet Myers have been amazing . I’ll let you guys know how that goes. going to copy and paste alot of the posts i did here. Now as for VRconk, do you know if they even have a forum?