doublevr Looking forward to turn ScriptAI app into a dedicated editor. Let me know things you would like to get featured. Something you like or don't like? It will be fully integrated with our AI tool you can employ for scripting. We are looking for WPF developer to join our effort
K53Ln25Z first thing that springs to mind is make it so that you can edit multiple axis at the same time, as that will become important soon.
Rakly3 Adding tracks both new and existing scripts. Toggle on/off tracks (ie after importing the AI generated track in to the editing track, hide the AI generated track) Keep the current position indicator always centered. Or a toggle to switch between the two. Being able to use 'script' so users can add their own functions. For Music compilations, an audio track overlay. An 8-count beat indicator would be really helpful. Right now, even in other apps, i have to spend a lot of time finding the correct beat intervals so the strokes are in sync with the audio. This is more complicated than it may seem to script PMV. Custom key binds, support for other input devices, ie gamepad, Tangent, ... Live toy control would be amazing! This would be a major QoL addition over other scripting tools! Right now, to test you have to save the changes, load it to the headset/toy, load the scene, navigate to the correct position, etc. - Live testing would make it a lot faster and make it possible to test even the tiniest change. Auto save/backup after x time and/or x number of changes made. It happens enough to be an issue, when going through undo/redo, user accidentally makes a change, completely replacing the history and losing unsaved changes. Film-reel track. Just like in video editors where you see thumbnails on the timeline. This would, however, require proxy files or uncompressed source file. Editable color configurations. ie white line for speeds between 0 and 50 units/second. green line between 50-130 units/sec. Setting max speed limits, ie when a stroke would be over 600 units/sec, it is either indicated by a color, or can be configured to automatically change the stroke so it doesn't exceed the set threshold. UI modularity. Rearanging the UI, pop-out windows you can for example drag to another monitor. Live filters, ie edge detection. Stroke indicator inverse. ie for when the male is making the movements and female torso is stationary (missionary, doggystyle.)