User Story: As a user of SLR in DeoVR I want to be able to jump/seek to next or previous scene(timestamp) just by pressing buttons on my vr controller. Currently I can assign keys to seek forward, backward and also to next and previous video. Jumping to scenes today means to open player control panel navigate with controler to directon of button and push it - this is very frustration for such primitive command and interupts flow.
Notice: Youtube supports this already see
Skip to the next video chapter: Press Option + →.
Go to the last video chapter: Press Option + ←.
Considerations for implementation:
- It could be easier to just implement next scene capability as MVP - this will be great improvement.
- Jumping to next scene from last scene will jump on beginning of video
- advanced: clicking on previous button evaluates if current playback time is bigger than 3 seconds from last scene timestamp. If bigger it will jump to beginning of current scene (feels like AB jump). Otherwise one scene back.