Quick background; bought the Quest 2 about a year ago, being a complete novice with VR and a non-gamer. Found my laptop doesn't have the right hardware to sync up to Quest, so started out playing SLR content through the web browser. Then discovered Deo, and shortly after purchased Pigasus. I liked Deo for the settings and passthrough adjustments, but video quality/clarity seemed better on Pigasus. Most videos I would run through Pigasus, but certain videos like Virtualrealporn stuff and a few others would run Deo as there is no horizontal adjustments in Pigasus to get those videos to look more realistically proportioned.
A couple weeks ago Pigasus kept crashing every time I tried to play a video for three days straight, so started looking at other players. Read good things about Heresphere but as I have iPhone and an outdated laptop, it didn't look like I'd be able to get it on Quest. So decided to give Skybox a shot. I'd have to say although lacking behind others in certain things, Skybox might be my favorite of the bunch I've tried as the videos right from the jump look the most realistic in regards to depth of perception and realistic proportions of objects, people and space--a kind of feels like you're in the room experience. As far as video quality goes, Pigasus has the best imo, and Deo and Skybox seem about even, whereas Deo has the best controls and adjustments, followed by Pigasus then Skybox. But as the point of VR is immersion, the realistic aspect of Skybox has made that my go-to for VR (while still using Pigasus--which seems to have resolved the crashing issue--and Deo for a handful of certain vids that look better on one or the other).
Anyway, thought this might be helpful for people in the same boat I was, and to possibly open up discussion for people way more knowledgeable about this stuff than novices like me as to help point us in the direction to find the best viewing experience with a Quest 2 only and no desktop/laptop capabilities.