The compliant scenario:
Your wife Dakota has had doubts about your fidelity for some time, even though you constantly assure her that you only have eyes for her. To settle the issue once and for all, she decides to conduct a little loyalty test. She commissions an agency to do it and selects the type of girl you are most likely to fall for (well, yeah, the similarities with her younger self may have influenced her choice). Her name is Skyler.
Unfortunately, when the day comes, you can't resist Skyler for long and Dakota catches you in the act. While you meekly admit that your wife was right about you, you are quite surprised that Dakota doesn't make a scene, but rather takes this as an opportunity to start her own extramarital activities with Skyler. Things go their way, Dakota doesn't hold anything against you (in fact, you have sort of fallen for herself again) and asks you to join in....