mebejoe abcrebel I was more envisioning me being able to touch or have the sensation of holding her while she's up close teasing, bending over, laying, kissing, or riding me. Oh wow--YES! I hadn't even thought of this! Excellent!
mebejoe Ricster89 Looks like anywhere from a few hundred to thousands:¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5ZSWBhCVARIsALERCvzfa4geXWeesAl1egqMyumGsyl_emJoxbswESXZQjrEcMwMQQTh3ScaArFkEALw_wcB But as you know, prices always come down with tech as it develops. I'm an old timer. My first desktop PC cost about $5,000 (that is $13,000 in today's dollars) and only had what was called a floppy disk. No hard drive. No graphics.
Ricster89 mebejoe i assume they will have gloves that are certain qualitys at different price ranges too, high end being the best and the few hundred pound ones being low end but still pretty good