SO I wanted to share something I have only recently discovered. I'm probably not the first to do this, but I want to share in case there are others out there who haven't yet.
I'm guessing most of you would have started with traditional flatscreen porn before VR got to where it is today, either watching on TV, or computer screen/phones etc. I have many terrabytes of downloaded porn and my typical experience was to load four players onto my screen and have different genres in each. By moving the players around I could have all four at once, or two larger side by side, or one big one (so basically your porn wall experience). When I got my first headset (Rift S) I did the same thing with virtual desktop and now had a much larger screen to watch my porn on.
THen I discovered SLR and was totally blown away by the immersion, and the feeling of 'being there' (you know what I'm talking about!). My average number of vids watched in a session went from close to 100 in porn wall, to 4 or 5 in SLR. Previously I was jumping around my flatscreen collection to find the 'best bits' depending on what I was in the mood for, whereas with SLR it's all the best bits, all the time.
I had spent quite a lot of time curating my flatscreen collection and, to be honest, the depth of what is available readily in flatscreen outweighs what is available in SLR (and other VR providers) is lacking in comparison. I get that VR porn is a newer product, and that flatscreen porn can be basically made by anyone with a decent phone/camera. It is what it is and I do not regret my decision to purchase a lifetime membership here, though I do miss some more of the 'niche' genres I had downloaded.
Well let me get to the heart of the matter: I have found a way to combine my SLR experience with my flatscreen experience (quick disclaimer - this works for me, on my pc with my setup and your mileage my vary).
My setup is this: Quest2 airlink to my desktop pc. On my desktop pc I have 2 x flatscreen vid players playing files from various porn folders on my pc which I can view in the headset using the inbuild virtual desktop. From within the airlinked environment I open DEO VR player and start playing a vid. After that has begun I hit the menu button on my controller and it dims the DEO vid and puts my virtual desktop back in view (there are other screens that come up, like my control dash etc but I move those out of the way so the only things I can see are the DEO vid, dimmed, and the virtual desktop).
After all of that is done I move the virtual desktop screen around until it 'fits' what is going on in DEO. Sometimes I have to move it around if the scene changes, or I'll make it bigger if the action in DEO is a little slow at that point. To get back to DEO I hit the menu button again (skip around in the vid, or start a new one), and I can increase the brightness using in app controls so that when I go back to virutal desktop viewing the DEO vid isn't so dim.
I can control the vids playing on virtual desktop with my mouse or my controller (as I had previously set my players up in such a way that it was always goiing to be easy to control with one hand lol).
Happy to answer any questions anyone may have, but like I said this is a setup that works for me and may not be the same experience for everyone based on your computer/wifi etc.
Does anyone else use a setup like this? Are there other, similar ideas/setups that you use?
tl;dr I have flatscreen porn floating over the top of my SLR porn 😁