Firstly I love the new ability to filter videos with multiple criteria and using and/or/not joiners...simply wonderful.
Couple of suggestions for the development backlog:
Specifically for playlists, can we get the ability to sort the playlist similar to the criteria we have in the main video section. IMPORTANTLY - would it be ok to add the ability to shuffle the order randomly. Use case: As a video watcher, I want to be able to watch my favourite or playlist videos in a random way so that I don't have to put too much thought into which video I am watching and can be surprised by the video that comes next, I may also want to be able to view the videos by newest, most popular)
As a nice add-on, would it be possible to apply your new filtering system to playlists. Use Case: as a video watcher when I am in the mood to watch a video I want to be able to apply filters to my favourite videos to quickly find a group of videos that I am in the mood for. I might then want to put those in a sort order as per item 1.
At the end of a video the site indicates that it will move to the next video offering in a few seconds and it gives the ability to cancel - it would be great if there were a couple of additional buttons. 1 Move forward now; 2. move the previous video. Use case; as a video watcher I don't always want to wait for the counter to move to the next video as I may be mid flow and the break is annoying; equally I may be watching videos from oldest to newest so I may want to use that opportunity to move the other direction.
I am sure these are more complicated to apply than I think, but would appreciate it if they could go in your development pipeline.
Thx again.