i have a quick tale to tell, maybe some can relate...
i went on holiday a few years back with my girlfriend and her family, we had been together at that time for about 3 months, me and my girlfriend were staying in the same mobile house (forgot what they call them) as her parents, this was of course because i was still reletivily new on the scene and they wanted to make sure i got up to no funny buisness with there daughter lol so bed time arrives, me and my gf are lying in our seperate beds in our room, and her parents are in there room, immediatly next door, wafer thin walls is all the seperates us, you have to really whisper just to talk unheard, anyway i of course start getting excited by this, i started thinking how sexy as hell it would be to shag my girlfriend right now with her parents so close by, the fact we would have to be super quite lol it just felt so naughty and risky, now sadly i put the idea to my girlfriend and she basically said 'no fucking way' lmao fair play to her, but THIS needs doing in VR, you guys need to this exact scenario because its hot as hell, but obviously our VR girlfriend agrees to it, BUT remember to put some nervousness in there, some hesitation 😛
lol i no you guys wont actually do it but yeah, this would be awesome!